Monday, April 26, 2010

Walk this Saturday!

Hi All!
The boonie walk for babies is this coming Saturday! Show time is 7:30 and go time is around 8! The start line is over by Bamboo Willies. We will walk from there down to Sirena Beach and then back. It will be 5K, however you can turn around at any point that you like. There will be water coolers at the 1 mile point as well as the turnaround point but please bring your own water! It will be hard to refill the water coolers because of the remote location of Tarague beach so we don't want to run out. I need a few things from those of you that are coming, let me know if you are interested!

1) Volunteers to man the water tables, we need about 6 people for this, two for each table.

2) Volunteers to take pictures. I want as many pictures as I can get!

3) If you are a mom to an angel or a preemie, please let me know. We are doing a board for them. The angels will have cut out butterflies and the preemies will have flowers. I would like to have the name of the baby, it can be something as simple as "baby smith" if you did not get to name your sweet baby. Also if you want you can include the birthdate, passing date and gestational age. If you let me know soon I can get you the butterfly or flower before Saturday so you can have some time to decorate it.

Send me a message through my email:

Thank you!